DofE/OTLA L2-4 Appointment
Service Description
If you need a STW Programme Coordinator to contact you to arrange an Appointment via Phone, Google Hangout, Zoom Meeting or In Person to help you or someone you know, learn more about the On Track Leadership Award and/or Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Programmes, or help with any aspect of the OTLA/DofE then please book here.

Cancellation Policy
SEARCH THE WAY Ltd (STW) TERMS and CONDITIONS Bookings not meeting the following Terms and Conditions are treated as invalid, and will be reversed (cancelled) by Search The Way Ltd. GENERAL • Bookings can only be made for people who are intending to use the STW run services/facilities at the time of booking and meet all the pre-requisite eligibility criteria. • Bookings can be made online via • A booking is required for each adult, youth, child and infant intending to use the STW run service/facility. • All details requested must be entered at the time of booking. • Bookings may be cancelled or postponed at any time. • Bookings are not transferable from one person/entity to another. • Names listed on the booking as using the facility/service may not be substituted unless approved via a Search The Way Ltd. • Those persons named on the booking may be required to produce proof of identity when accessing the STW run services/facilities booked. Accepted forms of ID are a passport, driver's licence, credit card or student ID. • Commercial groups are not permitted to use STW run services/facilities unless authorised by the Search The Way Ltd Management via a prior arranged written agreement. CONDITIONS • Bookings may be cancelled or postponed at any time. • STW aims to, but does not guarantee that a female instructor will be available at all times, on all STW activities but no staff member or volunteer will work in isolation but have a minimum of two Police-vetted adults present in all STW activities. If this is a concern please contact STW Management. • Participants must co-operate fully with STW instructors and show complete respect and consideration to other people e.g. trampers, DOC staff etc, at all times. • Participants must stay with the group they are assigned to unless the STW instructor permits they can do otherwise. • Participants will not be permitted to possess, share or to smoke (unless of legal aged 18+ and then only in STW designated areas & times and will be required to properly and safely extinguish and carry out with them in a suitable container all smoke butts and associated items), nor to possess, share or consume any alcohol or other unauthorised substances or drugs. All medically prescribed or recommended necessary carried medication must be declared on application and spares of any necessary medication with instructions provided to STW prior to attending an activity. • By booking you authorise the obtaining on your (your child’s) behalf of medical assistance, if, in the opinion of staff, such treatment is necessary, and agree to meet any costs incurred. • You understand that STW staff will not accept responsibility for loss of any personal property. • Should you (your child) be involved in a serious disciplinary problem you accept that you (they) may be sent home at your expense. • You will disclose all my medical information. • You will provide details of at least one emergency contact and that your parents/guardians/emergency contact person will be available to collect you if necessary, to ensure the well-being and completion for other group members. As an applicant, you recognise that the STW Instructors have responsibility for managing the safety of programme (activity) that you take part in. You understand that if you choose to act outside directions given by an STW Instructor or other approved Authority figure e.g.DOC Ranger, you accept responsibility for your own actions. You agree to abide by the conditions for attendance at the above programmes; or your child will attend this course under these conditions. MEDIA • Search The Way (STW) and/or its instructors may take photographs or record video of this activity and the participants. You may be visible in this content. This material may be used for promotion/advertising at the sole discretion of the STW. By booking with STW you acknowledge this and give your permission for this to occur. Please advise your Lead Instructor or STW Management if you do not provide permission. ACTIVITY PREREQUISITES By booking you acknowledge: • That you must meet these pre-requisite requirements in order to participate in this STW run service/facility and will sign a forthcoming STW registration form where you will acknowledge that you meet these requirements. You will provide STW with all required documentation (if applicable). • Duke of Edinburgh and other Adventure Training participants must do the prerequisite training and adventures in order. i.e. Bronze, Silver, Gold. Should you turn up without having evidence of the preceding level training, you will be asked to leave the activity and complete the prerequisites first. • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK By booking you declare that you: • Are fit to participate in this activity and understand that my choice to participate brings with it the assumption of potential exposure to any associated hazards. You understand that the STW instructors for this activity (programme) will do everything possible to identify and assess any such hazards and manage the resulting risks. • Will not act outside the directions given to me by any STW instructors and agree to adhere to any activity (programme) conditions. You understand that all activities are voluntary and if you are uncomfortable participating in an activity that may be set you will communicate this to the STW instructors. • Acknowledge that the STW instructors have the authority to stop or alter an activity if they deem it necessary, and that they have the authority to restrict your participation if you are not suitably equipped for the activity. You acknowledge that you must conduct yourself in a manner that includes taking responsibility for your own personal safety. If your actions in any way compromise the safety of yourself or others you understand that you may be removed from the activity (programme) with no reimbursement of any money paid, and you may be excluded from participating in any future STW activities (programme). • Agree that Search The Way Ltd, including its employees, volunteers and agents, shall not be liable for any injury to your person, or loss or damage to your personal property arising from, or in any way resulting from, your participation in this activity (programme), unless any such injury, loss or damage is caused by the sole negligence of the STW or its employees, volunteers or agents whilst acting within the scope of their duties. • Understand the above mentioned conditions and agree to adhere to them. AGE RANGES • For booking purposes the following age classifications apply to all STW run services/facilities, including those provided by the Department of Conservation (DOC): Infant Child Youth Adult 0 - 4 years 5 - 10 years 11 - 17 years 18 years plus • Facilities/services provided by other organisations e.g. transport operators may use other age ranges. Please check the particular facilities/services you require. • Persons aged 14 years and under must be accompanied by an adult to and from all pre-arranged pick-up and drop off points. • Some services may have age restrictions or recommendations. PRICES • All prices are in New Zealand dollars and include GST (Goods and Services Tax). • Bookings made Online will automatically be charged to your credit card through secure payment network at the time the booking is made. • Accepted credit cards are Mastercard and Visa. • For security reasons Credit Card information is not held by Search the Way Ltd and must be resupplied if alterations or cancellations are made. • No bookings will be accepted without payment. Only one payment per booking transaction will be accepted. • Prices, transport timetables and other details may change without notice. DISCOUNTS Discounts may be available from time to time to eligible to some STW members who meet the criteria outlined to them when joining STW. To qualify for a discount you must meet the criteria and contact STW to obtain a special discount code PRIOR to making your booking. PENALTY RATES - for non-valid and un-booked accommodation or services. • Failure to have a valid booking for a STW run service/facility for the date of use will result in penalty fees being charged. • The Penalty rate for all persons is the normal age fee plus the full adult fee for that service. • Where there is no valid booking, Search The Way Ltd does not guarantee access to that, or other, STW run services/facilities. ALTERATIONS AND CANCELLATION POLICIES General • Booking refunds will only be made to the person/ agent who made the original booking. • Refunds for services closures must be applied for not later than 7 days after booked service date. • For security reasons credit card or banking details are not held by the Search The Way Ltd and will have to be resubmitted to Search The Way Ltd office making your alteration, transfer or cancellation by phone. Sending credit card details by email is not recommended for security reasons. Transfer of Booking Dates • Transfer fees up to $10 per booking may be charged. • Only two date transfers will be permitted on any booking. • If a booking transferred to a later date is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the date of the original booking. • If a booking transferred to an earlier date is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the new booking date. • Bookings may only be transferred within the current open booking period. Bookings must be cancelled if the date required is not open for bookings. • Any additional fees must be paid at time of transfer being made. • Any refunds, less cancellation fees as per below table, will be issued at the time transfer is made. Credit card or banking details must be supplied so transfer and refund can be processed. • Altering/transferring booking dates 1 to 2 days prior to start date will incur 100% cancellation fee. Alterations • Only selected changes can be made, alterations and transfers that will not affect: 1. the cost or 2. change the STW run services/facilities booked or order of use of those STW run services/facilities or 3. the people booked into those facilities/services, • Alterations can be made up to two days prior to departure. You must contact Search The way Ltd. A new booking is required if you want to add additional people or services to an existing booking, again contact Search The Way Ltd. • Alterations may be made to any existing booking and may incur a fee of up to $10. • Altering/transferring booking dates 1 to 2 days prior to start date will incur 100% cancellation fee. Cancellations due to STW Postponements, Cancellations and Closures • If the Search The Way Ltd cancels or postpones or closes a STW run service/facility due to unforeseen circumstance such as severe weather or service/facility conditions or sudden illness to an Instructor, a full refund of the fee for the unused STW run services/facilities will be given. In the case of postponements, a transfer of payment to the new booking may be agreed upon by both parties. • Participants who have already started using their STW run services/facilities may be required to leave before their STW run services/facilities use is completed. • Refunds or rescheduling bookings due to STW run services/facilities closures must be applied for within 7 days. NO refunds will be given after this time and trips will not be rescheduled. • Participants will only be rescheduled if there are vacancies available once the STW run services/facilities reopens. Cancellations By Participants • If participant or their authorised agent cancels their bookings the following cancellation fees apply. • Booking and alteration fees are not refundable. • These fees are not negotiable. Note: If a booking has been transferred to a later date and is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the date of the original booking. If a booking has been transferred to an earlier date and is then cancelled, cancellation fees will apply as of the new booking date. Cancellation fees are based on the earliest start date Applies to all booked services Cancellation Fee More than 10 days before the first date service/s will be used and more than 48 hours after making the booking 25% Between 3 and 10 days before the first date service/s will be used 50% Between 1 and 2 days before the first date service/s will be used 100% On or after the first date service/s will be used 100% Medical circumstances that prevent customer using a facility/service - must be accompanied by a medical certificate and requested within two weeks of the certificate being issued and no later than one month after the departure date 20% STW Booked Transport more than 24 hours prior to departure and before tickets are issued 0% SSTW Booked Transport less than 24 hours prior to, or on or after departure date or after tickets are issued 100% TRAVEL INSURANCE • Search The Way Ltd recommends that you arrange travel insurance to guard against the loss of costs associated with cancellation or delay of your trip. • The Search The Way Ltd is unable to rearrange non Search The Way Ltd booked transport, accommodation and flight bookings if delays should occur. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER • The Search The Way Ltd will not be liable for injury, damage or any costs incurred by visitors.
Contact Details
+ +64278220011
PO Box 224, Westport, West Coast 7866, NZL