We invite all current STW 'On Track Programme' participants to start submitting your entries into our latest Competition.

To be in to win, submit to STW photos of you completing one or more of the competition's Photo Tasks listed below. You get one entry for every valid Photo Task you complete. Three $30 Prezzy Card vouchers are drawn each month from all valid entries received.

Any valid entries received up to the end of Friday July 31st 2020 will go into our first month’s draw. See your STW Schoology 'Search The Way Competitions' Course for instructions on how to make each Photo Task a valid entry. Check out the bottom of STW's webpage: The On Track 'Photo Challenge' Competition for more information on the competition's Terms and Conditions.
Please contact Justin & Silvia at Search The Way if you need any further information or help.
Noho ora mai - All the very best, STW.