On Tuesday the 8th October 2019 Search The Way was honoured to host a fantastic Ministry of Youth Development Youth Engagement Hui where around 25 youth from the wider Buller region contributed their ideas on actions that could form part of a Youth Plan. Special thanks to Kevin, Daisy and the MYD Team, NBS Theatre, PR's Cafe, rangatahi and their parents/caregivers and extended whanau for their wonderful support of this event.

Watch the YouTube video below to hear what Minister for Youth Hon Peeni Henare has to say about the Youth Plan engagement.
The Ministry of Youth Development want to make sure they hear from as many rangatahi as possible, so for those who unfortunately didn't get the opportunty to attend the Youth Plan Engagement Hui, MYD have launched an online survey, so any youth aged between 12-24 can tell MYD what they think - click on this link to take the online survey. Search The Way encourages rangatahi to take this survey – which is open until 31 October.

The Youth Plan will drive the youth-specific outcomes of the Government’s Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy and is about turning rangatahi voice into action. It will complement the Strategy by focusing on specific areas that rangatahi have said are important to them. The three focus areas are rangatahi voice, mental wellbeing and leadership. The MYD will be posting a summary of what everyone has said on their website and will also post a link to this information on our Facebook page.