For more than 40 years the Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre, based in the stunning Lewis Pass, has been a leading provider of Outdoor Education and is also a Duke of Edinburgh's International Award "Accredited Activity Provider". Now may be your opportunity to "Experience the Boyle, and Explore Your Potential".

There are currently a few places left available on a three day two night Silver DofE Adventurous Journey, that is running from the Sunday 16th December - Tuesday 18th December 2018. Participants would need to arrange their own transport to and from the Boyle Lodge, Lewis Pass and provide their own food and suitable footwear. All other clothing and equipment is provided. The cost of this adventure is $250 per person, but some subsidies may be available - ask on application.

The Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre also has some other exiting DofE opportunities coming up. This includes a Potential Leaders (STAR) Course that runs from the 17th - 21st December 2018 that not only gives participants the opportunity to achieve the Adventure Based Learning (Domain) Unit Standard 24663 (L3 C3) ‘Demonstrate leadership while participating in an ABL programme’, it could also qualify as a DofE Gold Residential Project (N.B. Participants need to be registered on the Gold DofE prior to the course for it to qualify as a Gold Residential Project - check with your Award Leader at Search The Way for more information about this requirement). You also may want to put into your calendar for next year an epic Adventure opportunity - the "Alps to Ocean" Expedition which involves hiking, mountain biking and rafting across NZ.

To find out more information about any of these fantastic opportunities and register your interest please check out the links at: or contact Boyle Staff directly on Tel: 03 315 7082 Cell: 022 438 2952 or via Email: